
Beautiful Sunset in Bali

June 24, 2010

Effective Stress Techniques to Manage Stress

We encounter stress in one way or another during the course of our daily routine. Here, we will discuss on what is stress, stress techniques to employ in mitigating, reducing and preventing stresses that have adverse negative impacts on our life. Stress is the anxious or threatening feeling that comes when we interpret or appraise a situation as being more than our psychological resources can adequately handle (Lazarus, 1999a). In laymen words, when we are faced with any situation (both negative and positive) and we feel that we can handle the situation; then basically we do not have stress. In fact, in my experience, stress which is not threatening and employing effective stress techniques serves as strong motivation for me to continue to excel in my job performance while working for a large global oil and gas company listed in the Fortune 500. We can if we want to, interpret a stressful situation as a challenge for potential personal growth or gain instead of threatening; then it will give rise to positive emotions, such as eagerness or excitement. Ultimately for example in your job, it will give rise to positive outcomes in your career like accelerated promotion, high bonuses and annual increments.

However, stressful situations that are interpreted or appraised by us to be threatening to our well-being and without employing effective stress techniques will result in negative emotions i.e. fear, depression, fright, frustration, burnout, anxiety and even violence; and psychosomatic symptoms like muscle pain, fatigue, headaches, skin disorders, eating problems, insomnia, high blood pressure or heart pounding etc. In fact, just interpreting or appraising a threatening situation, such as changing your job or getting married, can be more stressful than the actual events.

Before we embark in employing effective stress techniques to mitigate or contain an existing stressful situation, we have to determine the root causes. It is no use getting some cures for the symptoms only without really knowing the real root causes of that stressful situation. I remembered once, I was in severe depression and went to a medical specialist for assistance. Surprise and surprise, the medical expert gave me tranquilizer to calm me down. (For your information, I was once told by my doctor friend that the medical doctors are trained to provide treatments based on symptoms). It is just like weeds in your garden. You pluck the weeds away and you think that the problem is gone and eliminated. But do not forget that the roots are still there and the weeds will surely grow again. So my depression lasted for more than a year. I was moody and could not sleep well. My wife and children commented that I was incorrigible. Eventually, after learning an effective stress technique, the root cause of my stressful situation was identified and actions were immediately taken to eliminate the root cause. My depression is completely gone and now, I can sleep like a baby.

Once the root cause of a stressful situation is identified, stress techniques are employed to cope with, mitigate or even prevent the stress from happening again. The stress techniques involve problem-focussed methodology requiring the need to identify the root causes of a stressful situation and employing effective solutions to eliminate the root causes.

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